Giving Recognition

I am far overdue in recognizing the wonderful blog Grubbs ‘n Critters.  It is one of the first blogs with which I connected when I started blogging in January.  Ann is a long time blogger who touches on a wide variety of topics in her very interesting blog.  I love her tag line, “Life is what happens when you are making other plans.”  How true that is.  Visit her blog and see all that she offers the blogging community.

My recognition of Ann results from her nominating  my blog for the Very Inspiring Blogging Award.  Awkwardly I must state although the nomination gives me the excuse to mention her, very-inspiring-blogger-awardI dot need an excuse. I love her blog. I  must find another way to recognize great blogs without tying it to acceptance of an award that  I may or may not be deserving of.  I think it is wonderful for blogging support to be recognized by others, but for me the significance is not so much in the award but in the opportunity it provides to mention other wonderful blogs that we have discovered.

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My Take on Blogging Awards

I published the first post on my blog on January 7, 2015.  I received my first blogging award nomination on January 22.  I appreciated the nomination for the affirmation that my blog had been noticed,  but it did not make me think that I have a superior or exceptionally special blog. There is no voting process so at most it is one person who thinks my blog is deserving.  I was grateful for the nomination because the award process is an excellent way to build blog traffic for myself, for the person who nominated me and for the blogs I chose to nominate.

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Liebster Award

[Good Woman apologizes for the length of this post.  Because I am nothing if not a rule follower, I had several sets of questions to answer which means it is very difficult to edit down to what I think would be a reasonable length.]

Oh my goodness.  I am flattered and humbled to be nominated for another award.  I really appreciateimage it, because although I feel my blog still has a long way to go, it means that my blog is being noticed.  This is an excellent way to give publicity to several other very newer but interesting blogs.  So much about blogging is building community and this is a great way to do it.  This award is specifically for blogs with fewer than 200 followers.

I was actually nominated three times for this award.

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Versatile Bloggers Award

imageMany thanks to  the Little Snow Flake at Anniewhere She Goes for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award.  If you have not visited her blog, you should.  She has a fun blog that touches on lots of different topics.  A very interesting thing about her is in spite of her name of the Little Snow Flake she has never actually seen snow although she is totally enamored of it.  I would love to be able to see her reaction when she gets to see snow for the first time. Continue reading

Sisterhood of the World

imageI  am humbled to be nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award by Amie Writes.  If you have not checked out her blog you need to.  She writes beautiful, touching prose!  I was particularly moved by her post Letting Go which inspired my post Grieving Woman.

Thank you very much for the nomination, Amie.  Because so much of blogging is about building a community I happily accept the award in large part to be able to share links to some blogs that I like but that are fairly new and to which I would be like to be able to send some traffic.

The rules of this award are as follows:  Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their site, put the award logo on your blog, answer the ten questions sent to you, make a list of ten questions for your nominees and nominate seven blogs.

The questions posed to me along with my answers:

1. Why did you start blogging?  I was looking for new, meaningful ways to engage my time once I retire so I thought I’d give this a try.  I think I am addicted already.

2. Which is your favorite among your blog posts? Why?  93,100 Stitches of Love.  It is the post that has generated the most views and it is about something near and dear to my heart.

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