Chaff and Grain – A Words Crush Wednesday Quote

Craik Quote

Dinah Maria Craik was an English novelist and poet.  She and her works are little known today. This quote was published in a novel A Life for a Life in 1859. It was part of a dialogue that took place after a church service where the minister had spoken against the death penalty.  The character expressed his or her opinion on the topic, and then spoke of fearlessly being able to speak freely.

The quote elegantly states the beauty of having a person in life with whom you can be very honest and not worry about being judged or criticized for your feelings and opinions. Lucky is the person who has such a relationship with another.

The quote is often attributed to George Eliot, author of such books as Silas Marner , Middlemarch and Mill on the Floss.  George Eliot was the pen name for Mary Ann Evans, an English novelist who was noted for the psychological insight.  She used a male pen name to ensure that her works would be taken seriously.  She lived from 1819 to 1880.


Click here for information about the Word Crush Wednesday Favorite Quote Challenge. March is National Women’s History Month so I am using quotes from women this month.

6 thoughts on “Chaff and Grain – A Words Crush Wednesday Quote

  1. Phyllis March 25, 2015 / 5:36 pm

    I was part of the ‘in-crowd’ in high school who loved Silas Marner! LOL! My social calendar was full just from those wild parties of the English classics…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good Woman March 25, 2015 / 7:08 pm

      I read Silas Marner in high school as well. I remember that I liked it but I do not remember anything else about it. I should probably re-read it and many other classics but there are so many good books to read and so little time!


    • Good Woman March 26, 2015 / 9:32 pm

      Thank you for reading it and for taking the time to comment.


  2. izzy-grabs-life March 27, 2015 / 5:54 am

    I have never heard this quote before. What beautiful timing for me to come across it. Thank you for opening my eyes that much more wider ❤


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